Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
At Lark Rise Academy, we are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive environment where all children can thrive and achieve their full potential.
Our staff team is passionate about learning and strives to ensure appropriate provision is in place for all children so their time in school is inspiring, exciting and purposeful; enabling them to reach their full learning potential. We recognise that learning is not just academic and work to enhance children's social and emotional development as well as helping them to prepare for changes and transitions.
We hope you find this page gives you all the information you are looking for. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Hannah Hartley (Head of Inclusion Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) via telephone (01582 607852) or email (office@larkrise.com).
The nominated Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Fiona McTague.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
SEND Information Report
Please click on a question below to focus on this particular section of our current SEND report.
- What kinds of SEND do we provide for?
- How do we identify children and young people with SEND and assess their needs?
- How do we consult with and involve parents and pupils?
- How do we assess and review pupils’ progress towards outcomes?
- How do we support pupils moving between phases and preparing for adulthood?
- What is our approach to teaching pupils with SEND?
- How have we adapted the curriculum and learning environment?
- What additional support for learning is provided?
- What is the expertise of staff and how do we train staff?
- How does the school’s equipment and facilities support pupils?
- How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our provision for pupils?
- What do we do to ensure that pupils with SEND have equal access to all activities available to all pupils in school?
- What support is in place for improving emotional and social development of our pupils?
- How do we involve other agencies in meeting pupils’ needs and how do we support families?
- What arrangements are in place for handling complaints regarding SEND provision?
- Who can you speak to with regards to SEND at Lark Rise?
Information from the SEND Team at Central Bedfordshire Council
Please follow this link to visit Central Bedfordshire Council's Local Offer. Here you will find information about support and services available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged between 0 and 25 years.
Central Bedfordshire Local Offer
At Lark Rise Academy, we use Central Bedfordshire Council's SEND Support Plan to plan and record provision for children with SEND. We select planning tools within the document as well as using our own, to ensure that children's needs are assessed and planned for appropriately and that children's progress towards planned outcomes is reviewed.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Central Bedfordshire Council has created this information and resources document for parents and carers. We hope you find this information useful; please do not hesitate to contact the school via email if you need any further support at this difficult time.
SNAP (Special Needs Action Panel) Parent/Carer Forum - Central Bedfordshire
SNAP is an independent forum of parents and carers who all have children or young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Autism Bedfordshire
Autism Bedfordshire is a voluntary organisation offering specialised support to adults and children with autism and their families.
Children's Speech and Language Therapy in Luton and Bedfordshire
This website provides great information for parents and carers about children's speech and language development.
For support and advice click on Info and Advice and select your child's age (eg "pre-school & younger" or "school age") to access the "Building Blocks" page. Here you can select your child's school year and the area of speech and language you would like help with.